Friday, August 13, 2010

Nujabes (RIP)

Alright so, Wed. @ about Midnight i was eating a scone and I came across this guy Nujabes, is his name and he is just a fucking genius i never liked every-single song by someone before for until i heard a lot of music from his collection... As i get ready to search his 2010 stuff i read in the comments "RIP Nujabes gone to soon..." you can guess my reaction "SHIT!" (RIP) it certainly does suck but its all the more reason to take it back see how far he goes back and just listen to all the old stuff! this song is called "World Without Words" I Love this one amongst the many others. (Side-note: If you Notice the Samurai Champloo cover its because he made a lot of its music, i don't know I'm sort of "On" them this week so expect more...)

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