Friday, August 13, 2010

News that Piss me off!

Now... Obviously I'm Busting ASS tonight, You definitely cannot have a conversation about washed up suckas without 50cent... This Nigguh... (Laughs) give me a second... Alright so first off he has decided to call Rapper Shyne if that's what he's called these days... and rip him a new one with his best wittle Mel Gibson Voice after shyne's publicist new it was his old Helmet jockey sounding ass so he called back and gave the rant above... So heres the list outlined with important points of why this news pisses me off! 1.)YOU SIR ARE FULL OF SHITSKIE You most certainly did not get shot that many times... if at all, the reason you talk like that is because your retarded! geez next question!
2.)BEEFS, Wow... 50 just wow so you obviously do not HAVE a rap career so its fun to make fun of those that do? i get it shyne is a easy target you got that one and since Mel Gibson whats really hot in the streets right now... it was perfect for him! but when you challenge people like KANYE!? (Yeah I didn't FORGET YOUR ASS GETTING SPANKED)its to much negro... we got it enough with the Malarkey!
3.)Mediocre Rap-Skills To be Honest I never thought he was all that hot in the "game" i like 1 song by him "Ryding Music" Why? because the most he really says is "This is what you call riding music all the gangstas is riding to it" and the music is great! otherwise... nope cant think of shit. YOU DO NOT! HAVE THE MAGIC STICK! (Sorry Vivica ;P)and NOBODY WANTS TO LICK YOUR LOLLY POP! CLEAN YOURSELF UP SIR!
-That is all. ;)

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