Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kanye West "Power" treatment

Kanye West’s video for his new single “Power” isn’t even out yet, but he’s already generating controversy. The New York Times’ ArtsBeats Blog recently previewed the video and it sounds like the Illuminati and Occult Theorists will have plenty to talk about with this one.
In a coming video for his single “Power” that was created by the artist Marco Brambilla, Mr. West is seen standing imposingly with a heavy chain around his neck. As Mr. West raps, the camera slowly zooms out in one continuous, unedited take to reveal him in a classical structure, surrounded by female attendants who are partly or entirely nude; some kneel before him on all fours, others wear devil horns and still others are suspended upside down from the ceiling. The sword of Damocles hangs precariously over Mr. West’s head, and behind him an unseen executioner is preparing to strike him with a blade.

after reading this I realy wanna see hoe this video is gonna turn

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