Saturday, April 3, 2010

Epic: FInal Fantasy 13--> Pulse l'Cie V. l'cie

Alright, hears the deal in case your lost by my previous post, playing the game and is lost or are a bitch and dont care in that case leave ya negative muthafucka!, Alrighty a Pulse l'ce is a soilder sort of, with inhanced ability's amazing talents to fuffill a special task given to them by the Fal'cie there are two types of l'cies, there are the ones from grand Pulse usally who are sent to destroy coccoon (earth) and Cocoon l'ce who's focus is to usally defend coccoon and the fal'cie who are great powerful creaters that rule over a aspect of socitie like god's and godesses, if you will anywayz once you become a l'cie you must fuffill the mission given to you by your Fal'cie which is called a FOCUS, if you fail to complete this task you end up becoming a Monster that cannot think or act like the person they once were, but if you are succsessful you are peacefully crystalized for a couple of centurys and earn eternal life. So its kinda of a lose- lose situation which is why they refer being made into a l'cie as a "curse". If ive confused you further you truley should play the game!

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